How to Improve Course Completion Rates
Many online educators struggle with the challenge of coaxing learners to maintain their motivation and interest to complete their courses. Studies show that completion rates can often only be 5 to 15% of learners. There are however some proven strategies that can help you boost your learners' engagement and motivation, and ultimately increase your course's success.
The following strategies may be of help:
Set a clear deadline for completion and communicate it to your learners. This will create a sense of urgency and accountability, and help them prioritize their learning.
Break the course into smaller steps with regular timelines. This will make the course more manageable and achievable, and reduce the risk of overwhelm and procrastination.
Block time in calendars for learning. This will help your learners plan ahead and dedicate time to their learning, without distractions or interruptions.
Have a clear "why" for your course. This will help your learners understand the value and benefits of your course, and how it relates to their personal or professional goals.
Provide feedback and support. This will help your learners monitor their progress, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and get guidance and encouragement from you or other learners.
Gamify your course. This will make your course more fun and engaging, and reward your learners for their efforts and achievements.
Celebrate completion. This will acknowledge your learners' hard work and success, and make them feel proud and satisfied.
By following these steps, you can create a more effective and enjoyable online learning experience for your learners, and increase your online course completion rates significantly.